Introduce or supplement your Workplace’s Indigenous Training with our Traditional Ecological Knowledge: A Heritage Perspective Program
Why this Program Is Perfect for Your Workplace Community Experience: What we have learned is carried forward. The Haudenosaunee that lived at our location 1,000 years ago relied on their ability to work together to achieve health and happiness for their community. Quality of life hinged on a community of helpers, where all felt a sense of personal worth and importance in their individual contributions. A tree standing alone does not have the strength of the forest. Every person knew this and realized their contribution supported their own and their community’s well-being. We continue to learn from their example.
Take Aways: A perfect way to introduce or supplement your workplace’s Indigenous Training, your team will gain an awareness and appreciation for the diversity of culture in Canada. Participants will realize the hardships and challenges of the past and how they affect present First Nations. They will also feel the importance of being a contributing member to a community and can visualize and transfer that to the workplace. Experiencing all of this together surrounded by a natural setting promotes a positive atmosphere where connections are made and communication opens.
What your 2 hour program will consist of: The Haudenosaunee Culture of Turtle Island is shared during a 2 hour (can be shortened to 1 ½ hour depending on your needs) outdoor experience where your workplace will become aware of Ska-Nah-Doht Village life a thousand years ago. Participants will feel and understand the challenges, life experiences and the fundamental need to keep balance with regard to themselves and their surroundings. The Village is a perfect environ that stimulates a sense of community within a group. Communication channels are open between guide and individual participants throughout the program allowing individuals to ask questions and feel comfort expressing their needs and support for others. Participant’s will learn from the past and can carry that forward to apply it to their own value in the workplace.
Our onsite program, village and longhouses are based on area archaeology and First Nations involvement to provide the perfect backdrop for your group’s interactive journey. An outdoor pavilion shelter is available for activities in inclement weather and for lunch (lunch not included) after the program. Our natural surroundings will be part of your experience since they provide connections for the senses and a grounding of oneself that cannot be found in an indoor setting. Our welcoming staff love your questions and encourage your team’s input and enthusiasm.
Our Education Team: Our team consists of qualified teachers, nature educators and archaeology staff with 45 years of combined experience guiding elementary and secondary school groups, college and university groups, interest groups and the general public. Our knowledge of Haudenosaunee life, respect for and relation to the environment is furthered by our learning from a wonderful Bear Clan Matron and this will be shared with you. Our team strives to provide a safe space for open dialogue. We anticipate your desired outcome of a positive, productive work environment and we will work alongside you to make it happen.
Cost: The cost per person is $40.
Call 519-264-2420 for further information about and to book your Workplace’s Community Experience at Ska-Nah-Doht Village and Longwoods Road Conservation Area.