Administrative By-Law – Best Management Practices and Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest Policies, Procedure for Election of Officers – Update
As a result of changes to the CA Act, an update to our existing 2023-02 Administrative By-Law – Best Management Practices and Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest Policies, Procedure for Election of Officers is required to keep in compliance with the requirements set out in the Act. This policy update was directed by information provided by Conservation Ontario to all CA’s, with a revised updated word version with changes that needed to be incorporated into our existing Administrative By-law 2023-02.
The edits are administrative in nature and primarily to bring it up to date with language in Ontario Regulation 402/22, Budget and Apportionment. The draft By-law is attached for review by the Board of Directors. Note: Initially we did not include the Best Management Practices section in the By-law, but is now included in this updated Policy.
By-laws are considered a legal governing document. In the spirit of best management practices of transparency and accountability, the approach to the language and layout of the Administrative By-law is to ensure it is understandable to all who wish to review the document.
Any changes that we made to our By-law are as follows:
- In the very top end of the document they left present text when it should now be past tense;
- Anything new is in red text;
- Anything that was existing in our document that is not within CO’s version is struck through and highlighted in yellow;
- Any additions and/or notes that I have made to a change are in (brackets) and/or highlighted in yellow.
The By-law requires three readings, with posting to the Authority’s website for public review and comments. The first reading will be undertaken at this December 2024 meeting, with our February 2025 AGM being the second reading, and the final reading and passing of the By-law to take place at the following meeting in April 2025.
Please provide any comments / feedback to: [email protected]