Planning and Legal Inquiries – [email protected]
The health and economic well being of an area requires planning to avoid or, at least minimize, natural or man-made environmental disasters. Now, more than ever, proper planning is necessary to identify potential hazards before complications arise. The Conservation Authority’s Plan Input and Review Program equates to an insurance policy against these significant expenses in terms of both dollars and loss of life.
In order to support this program, the LTVCA has a collection of flood and other related mapping. The Conservation Authority reviews municipal documents and policies on a regular basis to provide a uniform planning direction throughout the watershed for upstream and downstream residents to protect lives and property. This helps to prevent increased flooding from modifications to floodplains and decreased flood storage capacity from wetland loss.
This program can be of great importance to developers and private individuals who may not be aware of these potential hazards. Municipal documents reviewed include: official plans and amendments, comprehensive zoning bylaws and amendments, minor variances, severances, property clearances, drainage reports, lawyer and general inquiries and plans of subdivision.