Service Disruption: Delaware Conservation Area is closed effective July 18, 2024 until high water levels recede. Please do not make use this conservation area at this time. If you are looking for a place to walk in the meantime, both Sharon Creek and Longwoods Road Conservation Areas are located nearby.
2695 Gideon Dr.
Delaware, Ont.
N0L 1E0
Lat/Long 42.909, -81.423 UTM 465480, 4750775
Delaware Conservation Area is located in the Municipality of Middlesex Centre, at 2695 Gideon Drive, Delaware. It is on the northwest corner of the junction of Longwoods Road (Middlesex County Rd. 2) and Gideon Drive (Middlesex County Rd. 3) in Delaware. Take Gideon Drive one block north to entrance.
The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority acquired this 3 hectare property in 1962.
This area is used for fishing and canoe access to the Thames River. The land is a flat floodplain planted with tallgrass prairie, with some mature trees. There is a sixty car parking lot. The conservation area is open for day use from 8 a.m. to sunset year-round, free of charge.
Delaware Conservation Area is located on the floodplain of the Thames River which is a Canadian Heritage River. This area is subject to flooding however is a fishing hot spot during pickerel season.