13016 McLarty Line,
Ridgetown, Ont.
N0P 2C0
Lat/Long 42.484, -81.921 UTM 424345, 4703970
Walter Devereux Conservation Area is located in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, at 13016 McLarty Line, Ridgetown. From Ridgetown take Main Street East (County Rd. 17) which turns into Victoria Road. Continue north on Victoria Road over Highway 401. (Victoria Road turns into Hwy. 21) Turn west onto McLarty Line.
Walter Devereux Conservation Area is a 35 hectare property acquired by the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority in 1978. The conservation area is named after a former Chair of the LTVCA Board of Directors, Walter Devereux.
Walter Devereux Conservation Area has a self guided trail through a managed Carolinian woodlot and a field which displays agricultural Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs). The site is located near the headwaters of McGregor Creek, one of the largest sub-watersheds of the Thames River. This area is being developed as a Farm Demonstration site. It is open for day use from 8 a.m. to sunset year-round, free of charge.
Walter Devereux Conservation Area has a nursery of hardwoods, Carolinian tree species and a tall grass prairie area. This property demonstrates windbreak plantings and managed and unmanaged woodlots.